Five Advantages of Asynchronous Learning

Karen Butterfield
Karen Butterfield

Woman typing on a laptop.

While both models have their place in education, today’s focus is on asynchronous learning and some of its benefits to students. Asynchronous learning offers a number of benefits.

Students Have Control of Their Learning

Learners have full responsibility for their education. Because they decide when and where they’re going to learn, students are active participants in their education.

Asynchronous Learning is Flexible 

Flexibility is particularly important for students who have a myriad of other responsibilities during when lectures would usually be scheduled. Materials are available in a specific place, so students can log in and complete learning modules when they have the time. When learning is made convenient, students are more likely to stay on course, active and engaged.

Students Can Learn at Their Own Pace 

Students have time to reflect on their learning before answering questions, joining discussions or taking a test. Additionally, students can read and review materials, take notes, skip ahead or go back as frequently as they need to before moving on to the next lesson. 

“One of the most empowering benefits of asynchronous learning is that it is respectful to each student’s learning pace.”

Interactivity Can Be Built In and Encouraged Through Asynchronous Learning

Just because asynchronous learning isn’t in real time doesn’t mean it can’t be interactive. YuJa video enterprise solutions has features like in-video comments that allow users to share their thoughts and see other comments as they view; video quizzing in which if a student answers wrong the content is recapped; and interactive assessment capabilities within the video experience including creating video quizzes, inserting related documents, and making interactive comments.

Use Case: Colorado Community College System 

Colorado Community College System is one institution making full use of YuJa’s interactive video feature. With the ability to seamlessly embed quiz questions within a video, instructors found that they can not only improve classroom assessment, but can convert students from passive to active learners as they learn remotely.

Colorado Community College building at dusk.

Asynchronous Learning Helps Remove Technology Barriers 

It would be a mistake for institutional leaders to assume that all students have access to reliable, high quality internet. Solutions like YuJa have accounted for this, creating a strategy to ensure all students can take advantage of asynchronous learning. Technology like adaptive bit-rate streaming and allowing students the ability to download content when they have a solid internet connection and then watch it later are just some of the strategies universities can use to ensure student success. Instructors also can revoke permissions to content, which will then automatically be deleted from devices where it’s downloaded. This ensures content remains managed and secure. 

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