YuJa Engage Student Response System: v25.1.0 Release

Sadie Campbell
Sadie Campbell
A group of students on their phones in a university lecture.

As January comes to a close (finally), I’d like to remind you of something I said at the beginning of the year, which is that we at YuJa intended to start 2025 off with a bang (at least I think I said that; if not we can just pretend), and boy did we! Four* releases! FOUR*! This time, we’ll be talking about the YuJa Engage Student Response System.

*It’s actually five releases, but the blog for that last one ( YuJa Verity) won’t be out until February. Just roll with it.

Redesigned Poll-Taking Page with Side Navigation Panel and Indication of Question Progress

To help participants keep track of answered and unanswered questions, we’ve designed a new side panel that displays all poll questions, along with their respective points. As participants complete the poll, at-a-glance progress rings will indicate answered, unanswered, and… somewhat-answered questions.

The redesigned poll-taking page with side navigation panel and indication of question progress.

New Results Page with Color-Coded Indicators for Correct Answers

After completing a poll, participants reviewing their responses on the results page will now be able to tell immediately whether or not they chose the correct answer with our brand-new color-coded indicators. Green means “Great job!” and red means “Better luck next time!”

The new results page with color-coded indicators for correct and incorrect answers.

Revamped Poll Grading Page with New Question Side Panel and Summary Badges

The updated poll grading page features a side panel that shows all poll questions, along with new badges indicating the scores participants received for each question. It also includes overall summary badges displaying participants’ final grades.

revamped poll grading page with a new question side panel and summary badges.

New Grade Book Question Statuses and Color-Coded Icons

We’ve replaced the previous text-based grading statuses with modernized color-coded icons to ensure less visual clutter. This also introduces new grading statuses to accommodate different question types and conditions:

  • Non-Gradable: Questions without assigned points are now labeled as non-gradable.
  • Ungraded: Short-answer questions will be marked as ungraded until grades are provided.

The new grade book question statuses and color-coded icons.

The Grade Book Will Display Correct Answers Alongside Participant Responses

When manually grading responses in the Grade Book, you will now see the correct answer for any response marked as incorrect. This will allow for more accurate grading for certain question types, such as fill-in-the-blank, where responses may vary but still be considered correct, allowing you to compare the participant’s answer with the correct one.

The grade book displays correct answers alongside participant responses.
Until next time, I hope you enjoy using the YuJa Engage Student Response System. For more exciting news and updates, subscribe to our newsletter, and stay tuned for more amazing new releases coming soon.

For a full list of features, please visit the YuJa Engage Student Response System Update – v25.1.0 Release.

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