YuJa FeedbackFlow Assessment Platform: v25.1.0 Release

Sadie Campbell
Sadie Campbell
A college student is sitting at his desk, watching and listening to his professor's FeedbackFlow assessment question.

Wow, three times in one week—can you believe it? Hopefully, you’re not sick of me yet. But then again, why would you be? I always come bearing good news and I’m endlessly charming. Okay, now let’s see, which product am I talking about this time? Ah, yes. YuJa FeedbackFlow, AKA the world’s most comprehensive assessment platform (don’t quote me on that). Here are the amazing new features coming your way!

Create Unique and Interactive Assessments Featuring Video-Based Questions and Responses

When text-based interactions aren’t enough (and sadly this is increasingly becoming the case) video-based questions and responses can provide a richer, more dynamic range of expression. Simply record or upload a video of your question, and participants can respond with their own recording using YuJa FeedbackFlow’s built-in video recorder.

The Create Assessment page in YuJa FeedbackFlow Assessment Platform, featuring a young teacher recording her question.

Choose Your Preferred Grading Method for Individual Questions

Each question can have its own grading method assigned to it to determine how many points the question is worth. These grading methods include:

  • Rubrics: For questions with multiple criteria to receive full points, you can create a rubric to define each criterion and allocate points based on how well the participant meets each one.
  • Scale Rating: Use a sliding scale to establish criteria with varying levels based on how well participants meet them. This method is ideal for non-traditional grading systems, such as letter grades, that aren’t based on points.
  • Comments: If you prefer not to assign points or levels to a question, you can add a comment to guide the participant on the type of answer you’re looking for.
  • After creating your grading method, you can save it as a template to use in future assessments.

The Create Grading Method page, which features the option to Add Rubric, Add Scale Rating, and Add Comment Grading for individual questions inside FeedbackFlow.

Embed YuJa FeedbackFlow Assessments in Your LMS with Grade Book Sync

With the YuJa Video Platform’s Media Chooser, you can easily embed assessments as LMS assignments, allowing students to participate directly within their course. Once assessments are graded, the results are automatically synced to the LMS grade book.

A FeedbackFlow assessment embedded into an LMS Grade Book.
Until next time, I hope you enjoy using the YuJa FeedbackFlow Assessment Platform. For more exciting news and updates, subscribe to our newsletter, and stay tuned for more amazing new releases coming soon.

For a full list of features, please visit the YuJa FeedbackFlow Assessment Platform – v25.1.0 Release.

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