“YuJa Panorama has really taken the hard work out of digital accessibility for our institution.”

Dr. Maia Smith
Associate Director of E-Learning


YuJa Video Platform Goes ‘Above and Beyond’ the Institution’s Needs

South Louisiana Community College (SLCC), a comprehensive community college with nine campuses, is part of the Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS), which provides strategic management and support for Louisiana's 12 community and technical colleges. LCTCS licensed the YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform, making it available for all member institutions. Dr. Maia Smith, Associate Director of e-Learning at SLCC, has regular contact with other e-learning coordinators and leaders across the system. She heard about YuJa Panorama Digital Accessibility Platform from colleagues at both River Parishes and Delgado Community College, who have been using YuJa Panorama heavily at their institutions. “I didn’t have to make a case to our administration about why YuJa Panorama was such a great product. LCTCS did that work for us,” Smith said.








Lafayette, LA

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