Make Collaboration Easy With YuJa

Karen Butterfield
Karen Butterfield

The Harvard Business Review identified eight factors essential to effective teamwork and collaboration, most of which centered around modeling collaborative behavior, supporting a sense of community, and building relationships.

Offering collaboration opportunities in classrooms provides students with essential real-world experience that will continue to benefit them as they transition into the workforce.

study group

Tips to Maximize Collaboration With YuJa

As the popularity of remote work and online education rises, collaboration becomes even more central to creating an effective remote environment. YuJa provides collaboration tools that can be applied in school and transferred to the workforce. Consider the following ways in which YuJa can enable effective collaboration.

Lecture Capture:

Recording lectures helps students feel like they’re a part of the class, no matter where they log in from in the world. Students can revisit the course and view conversations even if they weren’t able to attend live, increasing collaboration opportunities. When instructors use lecture capture, they can model and encourage collaboration through assignments and projects that mock real-world collaborative tasks.

Flipping Classrooms:

YuJa enables flipped classrooms, which is when students watch the lesson before the class meeting time. Class time is used for real-time collaboration, moving ideas forward and helping ensure the most effective use to time together.

Video Conferencing:

Conversations in the real-time discussions and video conferences enable students to develop key relationship and communication skills. And while video conferencing has always enabled students and teams to see one another, recording a conference can help capture and archive knowledge for future reference. Using tools like search-inside-video, viewers can quickly find what they’re looking for when they revisit a recording.

Content Management:

Proper file and content management helps ensure everyone has access to what they need when they need it.

With YuJa, instructors can effectively prepare students for collaborative work in the modern classroom, office or workplace. Students will develop the knowledge and tools necessary to succeed both in  face-to-face and online collaborations.

About YuJa

YuJa is a leader in ed-tech solutions. Our platforms provide organizations of all sizes with the tools to educate, engage, inspire and collaborate. We serve learning organizations of all sizes, within all sectors, including higher-ed, K-12, government, healthcare, non-profit and corporate delivering engaging video experiences. We have legal headquarters in Delaware with primary U.S. offices in Silicon Valley, California and Canadian offices in Toronto.

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