EqualGround Accessibility Scanning Platform: August 2024 Release

Sadie Campbell
Sadie Campbell
A laptop displays the EqualGround Performance Report with a website as a backdrop.

This is the last of our releases for the month of August. And you know what that means: summer’s over (unofficially). Sorry, teachers—no more mimosas at noon. Like it or not, the fall semester is just around the corner. I know, it’s sad. But you know what’ll cheer you up? Some exciting new features hitting the EqualGround Accessibility Scanning Platform this week!

Performance Report to Evaluate Response Time of Web Pages

Slow-loading content can quickly cause users to lose interest in websites. Seriously, if I go to a website and it doesn’t load immediately, I’m gone. And because we assume you all have as little patience as I do, EqualGround now offers a comprehensive performance report that evaluates the following key speed metrics:

  • First Contentful Paint: The time it takes to display the first piece of content.
  • Largest Contentful Paint: The time it takes to display the largest content. 
  • Total Blocking Time: The total time a web page is unresponsive while loading.
  • Time to First Byte (this made me hungry for some reason): The time it takes for the browser to receive the first piece of information from the server.

This will allow ongoing analysis to maintain or improve performance over time.

The Performance Report page in the EqualGround Accessibility Scanning Platform.

Analytics to Improve Search Engine Visibility With SEO Reporting

For all you visual learners out there, this report offers an overview graph to allow you to track trends for the overall SEO score across your organization’s websites. Additionally, a table displays each website’s score and allows you to review issues organized by the number of times they occur.

The SEO Report page in the EqualGround Accessibility Scanning Platform.

Evaluate the Accessibility of Files With Document Reporting 

Tired of reports yet? Neither are we! The Document Report provides an in-depth analysis of file accessibility across your organization’s websites. You can review analytics on the number of monthly issues and identify the most common problems found within documents.

The Documents Report page in the EqualGround Accessibility Scanning Platform.

Open Documents to Review WCAG 2.2 Accessibility Issues 

When reviewing reports in the visual web view, documents on the web page will automatically be detected. These documents can then be opened directly within EqualGround, where you can see highlighted WCAG 2.2 accessibility issues and the steps required to resolve them.

The Documents tab on the Websites page in the EqualGround Accessibility Scanning Platform displays a list of documents found on the website, along with their Accessibility Scores.

AutoPilot to Improve WCAG, ARIA, and SEO Issues

AutoPilot has landed in EqualGround! Or on EqualGround. Whatever makes a better pun. AutoPilot now highlights problematic snippets of web-page code and proposes fixes so you can resolve any issues. These fixes can easily be copied and pasted into the web page’s code for maximum remediation.

Features the AutoPilot feature built into EqualGround Accessibility Scanning Platform, with snippets of proposed code to help remediate issues.
And there you have it. Let us bid adieu to summer and strap ourselves in for what promises to be a wonderful autumn. Until next time, enjoy using the EqualGround Accessibility Scanning Platform. For more exciting news and updates, subscribe to our newsletter, and be sure to stay tuned for more amazing new releases coming soon.

For a full list of features, please visit the YuJa EqualGround Accessibility Scanning Platform – August 2024 Update.

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