Preparing for an RFP

Digital Accessibility Platform RFP Questions to Ask

Accessibility Formats

  • Does the product provide accessibility alternative formats as PDFs, text file, high-contrast, immersive reader, ePUB, Digital Braille and audio?
  • Does the accessibility alternative formats including PDF, immersive reading, text file, EPUB, digital Braille, audio podcast, and language translation?
  • Does the product translate documents in at least 100 languages to ensure that content is be viewed across a broad cross-section of learners?
  • Can instructors option to show or hide specific alternative accessibility file types to the student? For example, exclude a particular accessible alternative such as translated text?
  • Can users adjust accessibility settings individually as well as use preset accessibility profiles including motor impaired, color blind, dyslexia, visually impaired, ADHD and seizures & epileptic?

Content Analysis

  • Does the product offer Accessibility Engines that can fully analyze documents and HTML regions for WCAG 2.1 and WCAG 2.2 accessibility issues?
  • Does the product’s accessibility analysis include step-by-step guides on how to fix individual accessibility issues?
  • Can the content owner directly fix and replace the original file with a remediated and more accessible document? Please provide the specific steps to doing so.
  • Can the accessibility score’s weighting be modified to emphasize and de-emphasize certain issues? Can the institution modify these weightings without requiring customizations from the vendor?

Content Remediation

  • Does the product’s provide structural PDF remediation including inline modification of reading order, font size, color contrast?
  • Can the product automatically fix – such as PDFs, Word Documents, PowerPoints – by suggesting accessibility fixes and then automatically fixing the root cause within the document itself?
  • Does the product offer an AI-enabled system that automatically remediations large volumes of documents automatically?
  • Does the document remediation for all formats happen in real-time?

Real-Time Accessibility

  • Do instructors and administrators recieve real-time accessibility suggestions within WYSIWYG text areas within the LMS?
  • Does the real-time accesibility suggestions include font size suggestions?
  • Does the real-time accessibilty suggestions include color improvements to align with WCAG 2.1 color contrast guidelines?

STEM Content

  • Does the product analyze math equations and content to create accessible alternatives, including audio narration of complex math equations?
  • Can the math and STEM content within a document be extracted as a readable LaTex file?
  • Can the math and STEP content within a document be extracted as an Audio Podcast?
  • Can the product analyze handwritten math equations and create accessible alternatives?
  • Can the product analyze chemical equations and chemistry diagrams (example: visual carbon chains of molecules) and create an audio podcast, as well as text-based equivalence?


  • Does the platform provide integrated support into all major LMS platforms including Canvas, Moodle, D2L Brightspace, Blackboard Learn, and Blackboard Learn Ultra?
  • Does the product provide inline accessibility formats directly adjacent the content within the LMS?
  • Does the platform’s inside-LMS accessibility badging indicate the accessibility score using both color and shape to ensure WCAG 2.1 compliance?
  • Does the product provide a native LTI 1.1 and LTI 1.3 to integrate with the Learning Management System (LMS)?
  • Does the product offer the ability to customize role mappings for custom LMS roles?
  • Can the provide be deployed within a particular sub-org / sub-account? Can it be deployed to multiple sub-orgs / sub-accounts but not across all courses?


    Does the product provide institution-level reporting and benchmarking?
  • Can the institution-level reporting be segemented based on sub-organization such as department, faculty and school? Does the benchmarking summary analytics show the sub-organization’s segment?

Website Accessibility

  • Does the product’s license include a website accessibility widget that can be embedded on any public-facing website, Intranet or custom website owned by the institution?
  • Does the product’s website accessibility widget allow content adjustments that include content spacing, font sizing, line height, letter spacing, readable fonts, cursor size, animation pausing, and reading mask?
  • Does the product’s website accessibility widget allow color adjustments including contrast, saturation , monochrome, as well as color adjustments to the titles and buttons.

Accessible Design Tools and Templates

  • Does the product provide WYSIWYG HTML-based Design Tools? Specific what HTML templates and design elements are included as part of the Design Tools.
  • Do the Design Tools provide the ability to created branding templates and custom design objects?
  • Describing the theming capabilities included with the Design Tools.

Non-LMS Access

  • Does the product provide a separate Accessibility Portal that users can self-manage their document content library?
  • Can users upload their content directly to a private folder to organize, manage, and distribute their accessible content outside of the LMS?
  • Can the user share accessibility content to other users directly from their Accessibility Portal account?


  • Is the product localized into non-English languages such as French and Spanish?
  • Can the institution create customized terms of use documents that are displayed as part of a end-user notification?
  • Does the product offer non-LMS access through Single-Sign-On? What Single-Sign-On systems are compatible with product?
  • Describe how the product celebrates accessibility and provides gamification options to incentivize users to improve their content’s accessibility.

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