Top 10 Considerations for Evaluating a Higher-Ed Test Proctoring Platform Vendor

Shannon Maxwell
Shannon Maxwell
Students taking a test online

Choosing the right test proctoring platform can help ensure the integrity and security of online assessments while making online testing available to students no matter where they need to test.

Listed below are top considerations in selecting a test proctoring solution vendor.

    1. Types of Proctoring Available:  It’s important to understand available proctoring methods and capabilities a platform offers and to select one that will support your institution’s needs, whether it’s automated, live online, self-review, or lock down proctoring. Beyond the types of proctoring, assess whether the platform supports various test formats and question types, like multiple choice, true or false, or essay-based questions.
    2. Security and Privacy:  Safeguarding privacy, security, and integrity of data and exam content is a critical consideration in test proctoring. Make sure you have an understanding of how a test proctoring platform ensures security and integrity of test-taker data and exam content.
    3. Technology Requirements:  For a seamless test proctoring experience, it is essential to understand a proctoring platform’s technical requirements and compatibility with various devices and operating systems.
    4. User Experience: A user-friendly interface is key to a positive proctoring experience for both test-takers and proctors. Request a demonstration to see the interface firsthand, and take note of its ease of use and support if test-takers run into trouble during a test.

      ”Selecting the right test proctoring platform is a critical decision that impacts the integrity and security of online assessments in higher education.”


    5. Accessibility: Promoting inclusivity is vital. What accessibility features does the platform offer for students with disabilities or who need accommodations?
    6. LMS Integration and Compatibility: Integration with an institution’s existing Learning Management Systems (LMS) can streamline the assessment process. Ensure you understand a test proctoring platform’s integration not only with the LMS but with other educational tools. 
    7. Data and Analytics: Insights from metrics can help improve future tests and bring to light any issues. Seek to understand the types of reports available and how data is presented to the institution.
    8. Technical Support and Training: A reliable technical support system ensures a smooth experience for all users. Does the solution include live, total user support, phone and email support, or both, and what level of support is provided for instructors, faculty, and students?
    9. Scalability and Reliability: Review how scalable the platform is, along with its uptime and reliability record.
    10. Cost and Terms: The pricing model is an important determinant of any ed-tech platform. Ask about often hidden fees, such as per session rates, the practice of charging students for assessments, and the cost of providing live human proctors.

    Selecting the right test proctoring platform is a critical decision that impacts the integrity and security of online assessments in higher education. By asking important questions up front, institutions can thoroughly evaluate vendors and make informed choices that align with their needs and priorities. 

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