Using YuJa Lecture Capture to Aid in Test Preparation

Karen Butterfield
Karen Butterfield
Woman studies in lecture hall

Incorporating Lecture Capture Into Study Preparation

College-aged students study together.With lecture capture and file uploads, students can easily locate materials and hone in on areas they feel need the most attention. Whether you record test preparation sessions or upload course notes and presentation materials, there are a variety of methods to help streamline test preparation: 

  • Create several short videos to help encourage students to spread their study time over several days. This also may help students retain information and drill down on various topics. 
  • Create a video library that links related videos and topics.
  • Use in-video quizzing to assess whether students are absorbing the material. 
  • Create sample tests using the quiz feature on YuJa to allow students to practice multiple choice questions and receive immediate feedback. Results from these tests can be used to guide instructor’s in their test preparation.

Lecture Capture Supports Various Learning Types

In addition to helping students prepare for tests, video helps support varied learning modalities among students, along with increasing engagement, interactivity, and knowledge transfer. If instructors routinely use lecture capture, students can access past lectures, rewind and re-watch sections or classes as needed. Some benefits of using lecture capture include:

  • Lecture Capture makes it easy for students to watch only portions of lectures they need to review, as well as pause, look up information or add to their notes during study sessions. 
  • Lecture captures also allows students to make up for missed class time, so a missed day does not mean missed knowledge.
  • Because lectures can be replayed on mobile devices, taking lectures on-the-go allows students to maximize study time, or to use lecture capture during in-person study groups.

The bottom line is that tools like lecture capture can help students succeed both in an online or physical classroom. Student surveys have shown student satisfaction with lecture capture and online test preparation using tools like those available in YuJa’s Video Platform.

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