How YuJa Can Help Instructors Outside the Classroom

Karen Butterfield
Karen Butterfield

YuJa’s Video Platform Helps Instructors Manage a Myriad of Responsibilities with Easy-to-Use Tools and Features

Most instructors have responsibilities outside of teaching, whether they’re supervising graduate students, conducting research, writing for publications, or managing their department. These tasks are time intensive. 

Add to the mix that instructors also have their own interests, hobbies and family responsibilities. In addition to making class materials and information more available to students, YuJa’s Video Platform also can help teachers maintain healthy boundaries on their time.

The Video Platform allows you to:  

  • Add and manage media from anywhere. Upload raw video, documents, VR videos and Vimeo and YouTube links using your media dashboard in the Video Platform.
  • Quickly edit videos with the YuJa Video Editor, which has intuitive easy-to-use tools and the option to add closed captions. 
  • Prepare materials for the semester in large blocks, whether it’s creating short videos with Software Capture or recording full-length lecture capture videos. 
  • Upload test reviews, course notes, and other materials to provide students easy access to all class materials.

Lecture Capture Makes Teaching Easier

Lecture capture reduces student questions and concerns, helping to reduce the amount of time spent answering questions and responding to emails. If you opt for a flipped class structure, you can record your lectures when it is convenient for you, then devote your classroom time to helping students.

Other perks include:

  • If you’re ill, you can teach your class from home using lecture capture. You also  can record lectures to account for missed classes if you know you’ll be away, such as for an appointment, vacation or other reason.
  • Automated or remote scheduling enables the lecture capture to begin and end recording without direct instructor or content owner involvement. YuJa’s Lecture Capture technology offers remote scheduling and on-demand recording capabilities. 

With YuJa, instructors can enjoy more uninterrupted time for research, preparation, and other activities, effectively using technology to improve their work/life balance.

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