What Is Micro-Flipping in Education?

Lisa Ramirez
Lisa Ramirez
Student works independently in classroom.

Micro-flipping uses short lectures, both in-and-out of the classroom setting, providing some of the benefits of a traditional classroom and some of the benefits of a flipped classroom. A micro-flipped class video will typically be five minutes or less in length.

The Benefits of the Micro-Flipping a Classroom

Micro-flipping works in both flipped and traditional classrooms, and can help to address some of the challenges found in each type of classroom. The time investment is minimal; instructors can create micro-flipped recordings in just a few minutes while sitting at their desks or even record them using mobile tools.

Micro-flipping in the Flipped Classroom

“The key to micro-flipping is to infuse technology (where warranted) with student engagement while intermittently peppering students with content in a lecture or conversation-style format. This gives students more autonomy in the learning process but also allows them to be guided as needed,” Sam Buemi, the author states.

One of the primary criticisms of flipped classroom structure is that the classroom is designed to function for students who have watched the lecture material ahead of time and who are motivated to learn. If instructors require work to be completed outside of the classroom, segments of students may not be successful. Instead of fully flipping the classroom, micro-flipping can benefit both those who are prepared and those who have not by blending flipped-classroom and traditional classroom approaches.

The Chronicle of Higher Education notes that a typical class will include short lectures and student engagement with materials, including activities like polls, mobile-app engagement, or group activities interspersed with snippets of lecture or teacher-led conservation.

Providing students with short video lectures ahead of class and offering some part of the lecture during classroom time caters to both high-achievers and less motivated students to make the flipped classroom function better for all students.

Micro-flipping in a Traditional Classroom

Micro-flipping can also offer benefits in a traditional classroom. In this case, the video made available before the class can act as a sort of preview for students of in-class content. This can encourage interest in the classroom lecture or provide additional thoughts or ideas related to classroom readings. Students who miss a class can also rely upon micro-flipping to catch up before the next class, even if full lecture capture recordings are available.

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