How YuJa Facilitates Creating a Flipped Classroom

Karen Butterfield
Karen Butterfield
Teacher interacts with a group of college students

The flipped classroom offers an alternative and integrative learning experience for students and instructors across a variety of learning and instructional styles, and YuJa’s Video Platform makes flipping classrooms easier for faculty and students alike.

Instructors Find Methodology Useful

Male teacher talks to college-aged student who is using a computer.According to EdTechReview, of teachers who have flipped their classrooms, 

  • 96% would recommend it to others
  • 90% saw a positive change in student engagement after flipping their class
  • 71% of instructors said students’ grades improved using the method

Instructors can easily record and create unique lecture content from anywhere with YuJa’s In-Browser Capture Studio, as well as monitor progress with synchronized feedback in the LMS gradebook while students watch lectures and learn at their own pace. 

Dedicated class time is used to deepen the understanding of material with applied learning, such as homework and team projects. 

Benefits of Flipped Classrooms

Perhaps the biggest benefit of flipping a classroom is the opportunity for increased engagement and deep learning. Other benefits include: 

Flexibility: students can learn whenever and wherever their schedule allows, and can learn topics at their own pace. 

Empowering learners: Students take responsibility for learning content. They can revisit challenging subjects and focus on learning new concepts.

Deepening relationships: Because students have reviewed concepts before the designated class time, instructors can work and interact more closely with students, as well as provide help with areas in which students seem to be struggling.  

Challenges of Flipped Classrooms

This pedagogical method is not without its challenges. It can be difficult to get students on board, and creating the flipped classroom experience can require some additional time and effort for teachers and students. Instructors should work to create resources for students so they can get the most from class sessions. 

If students haven’t been in a flipped class before, teach them how to take notes or add questions to videos and content so they can be addressed. Instructors can ensure they review notes and comments for a more meaningful class discussion.  

Easily Access and Integrate Content

“All students learn differently, and the flipped classroom can meet student needs based on their learning style.”

Creating a flipped classroom takes some creativity. YuJa makes classroom preparation easier with a single,unified platform. YuJa’s synthesized learning materials make an easy online learning and teaching experience. 

Teachers can track student progress at home by integrating gradebook-synchronized quizzes into video presentations and reviewing analytics. This makes it simple to identify and support student needs based on their understanding of course content.

YuJa makes it easier to produce high-quality course content by: 

  • Integrating teaching components, including recorded lectures with audio and video, desktop screen shares, PowerPoint presentations, videos, and other creative elements.
  • Offering single-click recording so you can record from virtually anywhere.
  • Improving accessibility with live and on-demand streaming, mobile video, and captioning.

Tools Help Center Focus on Learning Rather than Technology

All students learn differently, and the flipped classroom can meet student needs based on their learning style. YuJa’s flipped classroom software has easy-to-use tools that enable interactive experiences for students and instructors: 

  • Use the red pointer and whiteboard functions to create visual examples
  • Utilize the highlighter to emphasize testable material 
  • Create auditory examples by using the recording software to follow along with text 
  • Facilitate group projects during class time to increase understanding of concepts with hands-on learning experiences.

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