Affordable, Accessible and More Comprehensive Storage for Your Zoom Recordings

Karen Butterfield
Karen Butterfield

As the most popular video conferencing tool in higher education today, Zoom’s utility is endless. In addition to being accessible anywhere, from any device, recording lectures or meetings ensures no one has to miss out, helps keep everyone on the same page, allows institutions to build a knowledge library and collects helpful analytics and insights. 

woman looking at video conference on a laptop

And because YuJa, Inc. is an Integration Partner with Zoom and offers a Zoom Marketplace app, it offers the ability to import recordings, caption and tag videos, as well as broader search capabilities and the automatic import of Zoom recordings to your learning management system (LMS). 

What many people don’t realize is that not only do YuJa Enterprise Video Platform and Zoom work well in tandem, but the Video Platform is an affordable, more accessible and comprehensive storage solution for Zoom recordings. After recordings are synced, they’re searchable, shareable, accessible and secure.

Advantages of Storing Zoom Recordings in the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

Cost reduction — Storage solutions through the YuJa Video Platform help maximize fiscal resources, as it’s more economical to store a greater number of recordings in the YuJa Cloud than through the Zoom platform.

Ability to archive — Recordings are stored in an organized, accessible archive for ease of use in the future.

Re-use within an LMS — Recordings can easily be reused within an existing LMS.

Accessibility — Whether your videos need to be accessible to students, the general public or a small group of government officials, your organization has complete control. Auto-captioning and indexing allow for improved search-inside-video capabilities.

Security — Limited administrative controls can pose a security risk. With the inclusion of permission settings, Zoom recordings can be disseminated securely and viewed across any device. 

Record at Scale —  There’s no limit to the number of recordings that can be stored in the YuJa Cloud, which serves as a central repository for easy search and access to videos you need across devices. 

Video Editing —  Content creators can enable multi-stream, non-destructive editing of content for their most essential video and audio editing workflows.

The Zoom Connector for the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform is available for install in the Zoom Marketplace.

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