Make your classroom a fun and engaging space for students who attend in-person or online by integrating polls and surveys into every lecture, turning it from a passive activity into an interactive experience.
Provide multiple choice polls to students to gauge understanding across diverse topics and see instant feedback for intervention and clarification. Instructors can also add informative videos to their poll and survey questions to further engage students.
Short answer questions give instructors insight on the depth of understanding. Instructors can assign points for any answer, based on a number of words, or can manually grade short answer submissions.
Assess basic understanding of a concept with true or false questions, which are less likely to be misinterpreted by students and serve as a diagnostic tool to identify areas where students may be struggling or misunderstanding concepts.
Open-ended response questions allow students to express their thoughts in their own words. Fill in the blank questions also test students’ critical thinking and problem solving skills and show instructors where there are still opportunities to expand knowledge.
See how well students can recognize and associate related concepts, terms or ideas with matching poll or survey questions, encouraging students to put their higher-order cognitive skills to work.
Word Clouds instantly reveal the most popular answers to survey questions, giving instructors a visual reputation of how the class views a topic. As students answer, words that appear more frequently in responses are larger in the word cloud providing a visual representation of data.
Clickable image poll questions allow students to interact with elements in an image and apply their knowledge in a unique and stimulating way and reinforce their understanding of materials in courses from art to science, history, geography and others.