Corporate Learning

A group of people are facing a speaker in the front of a training room.

How to Improve Corporate Learning with a Video Platform

In addition to having a profound effect on learning for educational institutions, video-based learning has made it possible for corporations to roll out business-critical training and knowledge-sharing sessions, all while saving a significant amount of...

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Hands on a computer keyboard.

Using YuJa to Collaborate in a Corporate Environment

Video and media platforms that enable collaboration, such as YuJa, can increase employee productivity by as much as 30 percent, McKinsey & Company reported. Despite this, many organizations don’t have tools that facilitate collaboration. “The...

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Man working on computer.

Employees Prefer Video Learning to More Traditional Training Methods

Video brings a host of advantages to your organization as it supports corporate learning:  Video Makes Training More Effective: Video helps create a more engaging and realistic experience for learners, which leads to higher retention...

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