Case Study: Indiana State – Making Learning Possible Anywhere with the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform
As distance-based learning and on-demand video continue to become the norm for today’s young and progressive learners, Indiana State University technologists knew they needed to modernize the set of tools used to make learning possible anywhere, anytime.
About YuJa, Inc.
YuJa is a leader in enterprise video solutions. Its products harness the power of video to educate, engage, inspire, and collaborate. YuJa serves organizations of all sizes, within all sectors, including higher-ed, K-12, government, healthcare, non-profit and corporate delivering engaging video experiences. Its portfolio includes products for lecture capture, live streaming, video management, video conferencing, video test proctoring, digital asset management and enterprise accessibility. Legal headquarters are located in Delaware, with primary U.S. offices in Silicon Valley, California, and Canadian offices in Toronto.