Press Release

Case Study: Linfield Christian School – A School-Wide Lecture Capture Platform Enabling Distance Education

Case Study: Linfield Christian School – A School-Wide Lecture Capture Platform Enabling Distance Education

Back in December of 2019, Director of STEAM, Adam Elwer, needed a solution that enable instructors to record classes on-the-fly and publish accessible content for later viewing. As students would often miss classes due to extracurricular activities, attending college campus tours, or illnesses, Elwer and his staff sought a robust lecture capture platform that enabled asynchronous learning.

About YuJa, Inc.

YuJa is a leader in enterprise video solutions. Its products harness the power of video to educate, engage, inspire, and collaborate. YuJa serves organizations of all sizes, within all sectors, including higher-ed, K-12, government, healthcare, non-profit and corporate delivering engaging video experiences. Its portfolio includes products for lecture capture, live streaming, video management, video conferencing, video test proctoring, digital asset management and enterprise accessibility. Legal headquarters are located in Delaware, with primary U.S. offices in Silicon Valley, California, and Canadian offices in Toronto.

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