Find the Right Fit: Lecture Capture vs. Video Podcasting

To get the most out of your video solution, it is important to choose the right recording tools for the right environment and to ensure everything works together seamlessly to create consistency, to allow for ease in training, and to increase adoption throughout your institution.

Lecture Capture is an Ideal Classroom Solution

Lecture capture, or the recording and archiving of audio and video components of a lecture, is ideal in the classroom, whether you opt for a traditional or flipped classroom structure. The YuJa hardware appliance integrates into all classroom multimedia equipment, streaming your lecture directly to the cloud, while software capture provides organizations with the ability to record anywhere and capture multiple inputs. With automated scheduling, you can capture lectures without any additional work. 

Lecture capture offers the following advantages:

  • If you’re recording lectures in a brick-and-mortar classroom, you’re likely to find lecture capture the most practical choice, as you’ll typically be working from a podium in the classroom. 
  • If you opt for software-based lecture capture, you will need to initiate the software; however, it will work on any device. Record with a camera or document camera, or record your smart board or external web camera, or any combination of devices.  
  • Lecture capture integrates into other classroom multimedia resources, including the SmartBoard. 
  • Your students can easily replay, pause and rewind lecture captures for future use.

Additionally, the Software Capture and Browser Capture tools used for lecture capture can be used to create podcasts.

Video Podcasting is Another Powerful Tool to Support Learning

“Podcast” refers to any software and hardware combination that allows automatic downloading of audio files for listening at a user’s convenience.

Video podcasting is ideal for review videos or enrichment materials to supplement work in the classroom; however, it can also be an ideal way to engage with students online, especially in remote learning environments. 

Use cases and advantages include:

  • Video podcasting using your own webcam and microphone is an ideal way to offer information to your students.
  • The videos stream into the cloud and are stored as part of your learning channel. 
  • You can integrate files and materials you’re using directly into your video podcast, or even use an interactive sketchpad to illustrate lessons. This makes video podcasting a practical supplement to classroom learning or an ideal way to present short, manageable lessons for online-only students.

Lecture Capture Features to Look for in 2021

For many colleges and universities, lecture capture, or recording instructional lectures, has been one component of a successful transition to hybrid or entirely remote learning operations. Not only does this type of technology enable video recording in a traditional sense, but it can capture webcam video, digital whiteboards and computer screens using software, hardware, your browser or even mobile devices.

As the landscape has changed, so too have the needs of institutions, many of which have a desire to provide higher value content to learners. Features that were once an added bonus are standard, and features that help engage, innovate, and ease technology learning curves (for both instructors and students) are a higher priority.

As leaders in video enterprise solutions, we spend a great deal of time not only innovating and developing the next generation of learning tools, but also in understanding organizational needs and priorities.

Top Lecture Capture Features

Below are several important feature considerations as you embark on or learn more about lecture capture.


Compatibility is Paramount

IMS Global logo with "Certified" stamped across the center. One of the most important considerations (for any new technology) is how well it integrates with existing technology. This is not an area to compromise on, as it makes the entire transition and use of video tools easier for all parties involved.

  • Your lecture capture solution should integrate with other existing technology and meet Learning Tools Interoperability standards. YuJa, Inc. is an IMS Global Learning Consortium Affiliate member. LTI® Advantage is the gateway to enabling digital transformation—rapidly advancing a secure educational technology ecosystem where users have more options for innovative tools that work together and result in better integrations, better user experiences, and better learning. The Content Item Messaging (CIM) capability, which is part of the IMS Advantage Standard, enables Gradebook Sync.
  • Another advantageous feature YuJa, Inc. offers is interactive assessment capabilities  within the video experience, which includes creating video quizzes, inserting related documents, and making interactive comments.

Ability to Create Higher Value Content

Image of multi-stream, non-destructive editingEveryone involved is likelier to embrace new tools when they’re inherently easier and more intuitive. Features like multi-stream, non-destructive editing within a web browser, smart workflows, inline caption editing and the ability to schedule recordings all allow course designers and instructors to create and deliver higher value content for learners.

  • YuJa Lecture Capture allows even more tools within the video editor to create engaging content without the hassle, including tools for higher quality ASR captioning, multi-source playback and apps that enable lecture capture outside of the classroom for capturing field work, practicums and ad-hoc captures.
  • Like video conferencing tools, students and professors can add virtual backgrounds. Real-time whiteboards, desktop recording/sharing, bookmarking, note-taking capabilities, collaboration tools like in-video commenting, and live streaming all add to the value of a product, increase engagement and help improve learning by making your high-value content accessible to all.

Playback Ability is More Important Than Ever for Third Party Content

Phone Screen showing a user's most recent downloads.

With many students and teachers not being able to return to their classrooms, ensuring that videos can play on any device is more important than ever. Some institutions have students enrolled who have never set foot on their campus or even in the state in which the college or university is located. Students have to be able to access lectures any time and from anywhere.

  • YuJa allows the ability to download content for offline consumption (without WiFi or network connectivity), allowing flexible viewing on any device and dynamic storage solutions.
  • The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform can automatically ingest content from other third-party providers such as Blackboard Collaborate, Skype for Business, WebEx, Cisco Teleconference, and more via our Watch Point ingestion tool. Video conference recordings from Zoom, Webex and YuJa can become playable videos, which enhances playback experience.

Actionable Engagement Analytics Benefit the Institution

Image of analytics report and graph.Measuring student engagement is essential to understanding what is going well and to determine areas of improvement. Ensure your lecture capture learning system offers detailed reports and information about audience engagement, along with a comprehensive overview of viewing and usage behaviors.

  • The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform’s Visual Analytics suite collects a wide variety of data and provides reports that cover system statistics, usage, and instructional insights.
  • Visual Analytics and Audit Logging encompasses all aspects of the Video Platform’s function. Visual Analytics has been designed to prioritize key insights, enable easy-to-use filtering, present meaningful visual insights and enable on-demand and automated data exportation.

Instructors should be able to zero in on areas of concern and  track participation and user adoption using near real-time reporting. Today’s integrated tools have the capability to automatically identify actionable video insights to ensure students are getting the most out of each lecture.

Need more information on Lecture Capture, choosing the right tools or Hybrid Learning? Check out our Comprehensive Guide to Lecture Capture in Today’s Educational Environment or reach out.

The Benefits of Captured Lectures and Lessons in Traditional Classrooms

Captured lectures are accessible both to students in real-time (live) and for future use (captures), enhancing flexibility for students, while also helping improve learning and increase course material understanding. 

How Do Captured Lectures Benefit Students in Traditional Classrooms?

University classroom full of students watching professor teach.

Traditional students can take advantage of lecture broadcasts to rewatch a difficult concept, catch up if they were unable to be in class, review their notes, and to prepare for tests. In fact, a 2019 study conducted by Computers & Education found that “students make significant use of lecture recordings, throughout the academic session, and place great value on recordings for note-taking, more in-depth understanding or clarification, and assessment preparation.”

Lecture Capture Can Help Meet the Needs of All Learners

Lecture broadcasts, complete with multimedia integration, can meet the needs of different types of learners, including visual and auditory. 

According to the Visual Teaching Alliance:

  • The brain processes visual information 60,000 faster than text.
  • Visual aids in the classroom improve learning by up to 400 percent.

Recording lectures also is one way to improve learning experience for auditory learners, who can focus on listening closely and processing information during class and then listen to the recording later to take notes on the most important information. 

For students with special learning needs, lecture broadcasts can take the place of notes or low-quality in-class recordings, and improve a student’s ability to learn. Providing captions and audio can help students with hearing or visual impairments. 

Research has suggested that many students found access to lecture capture to be empowering because it enables them to take control of the learning process. Exploring lecture capture can enrich both online and in-person learning for students and offer faculty new ways to improve learning and retain students.

Using YuJa Lecture Capture to Aid in Test Preparation

Incorporating Lecture Capture Into Study Preparation

College-aged students study together.With lecture capture and file uploads, students can easily locate materials and hone in on areas they feel need the most attention. Whether you record test preparation sessions or upload course notes and presentation materials, there are a variety of methods to help streamline test preparation: 

  • Create several short videos to help encourage students to spread their study time over several days. This also may help students retain information and drill down on various topics. 
  • Create a video library that links related videos and topics.
  • Use in-video quizzing to assess whether students are absorbing the material. 
  • Create sample tests using the quiz feature on YuJa to allow students to practice multiple choice questions and receive immediate feedback. Results from these tests can be used to guide instructor’s in their test preparation.

Lecture Capture Supports Various Learning Types

In addition to helping students prepare for tests, video helps support varied learning modalities among students, along with increasing engagement, interactivity, and knowledge transfer. If instructors routinely use lecture capture, students can access past lectures, rewind and re-watch sections or classes as needed. Some benefits of using lecture capture include:

  • Lecture Capture makes it easy for students to watch only portions of lectures they need to review, as well as pause, look up information or add to their notes during study sessions. 
  • Lecture captures also allows students to make up for missed class time, so a missed day does not mean missed knowledge.
  • Because lectures can be replayed on mobile devices, taking lectures on-the-go allows students to maximize study time, or to use lecture capture during in-person study groups.

The bottom line is that tools like lecture capture can help students succeed both in an online or physical classroom. Student surveys have shown student satisfaction with lecture capture and online test preparation using tools like those available in YuJa’s Video Platform.

YuJa Lecture Capture Supports Every Learner

Lecture Capture Benefits All Students

A shared screen imageLecture capture isn’t just a tool for virtual learning. While it is helpful for students who can’t attend class, all learners can benefit from access to recorded classwork. 

  • Lectures are available on-demand when it’s convenient for students. Lecture capture makes content accessible to students no matter where or when they choose to learn. 
  • Students have the ability to download lectures for offline viewing. While many students don’t have issues with getting high-speed internet to stream content, there are large swaths of people in rural areas or who otherwise have limited access to quality internet connections. With YuJa’s Enterprise Video Platform, students can download captured lectures for offline viewing when they may or may not have WiFi or network connectivity. 
  • Lectures can be viewed on any device. Whether students want to view lectures from their Android or Apple phone, tablet, desktop or laptop computer, YuJa offers flexible viewing on any device and dynamic storage solutions.
  • Reviewing content is easier than ever. Because videos are saved and archived in a central video repository, students can easily go back and review lectures to gain clarity on a topic or study for a test. 

Tips for Instructors to Support Students With Lecture Capture

Instructors also can use lecture capture to help students learn more effectively.

  • Concepts no longer have to be theoretical. Instructors can use the Personal Capture tool to make the world their classroom, recording videos when and where they make sense for students to learn. 
  • Increase learning potential for students with disabilities. While compliance is always a concern, expand accessibility for all students by taking advantage of tools like auto-captioning with Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) or external human captioning services.
  • Boost engagement through the creation of higher value content. Implement in-video quizzing to quickly assess if students are grasping the material and to allow students to apply their learning right away. Encourage collaboration through chats, dynamic discussions and group projects. 

YuJa Lecture Capture provides students an opportunity to engage with the classroom in a way that fits their needs and enables students who are unable to attend class the same opportunities as those who were there. Whether learning is taking place in a brick-and-mortar classroom, a hybrid class or an online-only class setting, students are able to benefit from the technology offered by YuJa, which is compatible with all major Learning Management Systems.

Join Our December 8 Webinar: Optimize Your Lecture Capture With YuJa and Pearl

Join Our Webinar to Learn More

Epiphan Pearl Hardware

The details: 

  • Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2021
  • 11 a.m. PT / 2 p.m. ET
  • Register Now

Tune in to learn how you can streamline your lecture capture with Epiphan Pearl hardware and the YuJa Content Management System integration, including:

  • How to make your lecture capture more accessible 
  • The advantages of hardware 
  • What’s possible with YuJa and Pearl

Moderators will include: 

George Herbert: Epiphan’s Technical Support Manager and Training Guru 

Isaac Kingsmith: YuJa’s Director of Business Development and Partnerships 

Our Partnership with Epiphan Pearl Makes Lecture Capture Easy

Epiphan Pearl is our newest partnership. YuJa and Epiphan provides your institution a flexible, reliable and fully-integratable solution, with automatic file uploading, event schedule synchronization, built-in confidence monitoring and other workflow enhancements to make your lecture capture experience seamless from start to finish.

Epiphan’s Pearl-2, Pearl Mini, and Pearl Nano hardware encoders integrate directly with YuJa. Once paired, Pearl can access your YuJa calendar to automatically start and stop recordings or streams at scheduled times. Even better, Pearl will automatically push event recordings to YuJa, minimizing administration time and ensuring your content makes it to the right place.

No matter your application, there’s a solution to meet your needs. 

Everything You Need to Know About Lecture Capture in One Comprehensive Guide

Lecture capture isn’t a new technology, but it’s popularity has skyrocketed. Not only does it meet today’s unique educational challenges, but it offers immense flexibility when used in a Hybrid Flexible learning model. 

We’ve compiled “A Comprehensive Guide to Lecture Capture in Today’s Educational Landscape” to guide IT professionals, technology decision-makers, school board members, and other key stakeholders in learning about Lecture Capture and whether it might be the right next step for your organization. 

What’s Covered?

Key areas highlighted include advantages and drawbacks, enabling hy-flex learning, choosing the right Lecture Capture tools, creating an ideal learning experience, training, steps to preparation and deployment and more. Frequently asked questions are addressed, but we always encourage decision makers to learn more by contacting us.

View the Comprehensive Guide

In the meantime, click here to view the free comprehensive guide to lecture capture.

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