Five Ways a Video Platform Increases Student Engagement

Shannon Maxwell
Shannon Maxwell
A group of students work together.

Whether you’re a traditional higher ed institution that’s working to flip the classroom, an institution running a remote or hybrid learning program, or you’re a distance-learning only educational institution, we’ve outlined a few ways to use your video platform to enhance student engagement.

Increase Engagement With Your Video Platform

Video technology is a valuable tool in improving student engagement and facilitating remote learning in higher education. Below are five ways a video platform can help increase student engagement.

    Research has shown that students are more likely to retain information when they are able to review lectures and course materials at their own pace. Video platforms allow students to pause, rewind, and revisit lectures and other course materials as needed, which can improve their understanding and retention of the material.

  1. It Enables Engagement From Anywhere: Learners can see and hear concepts being taught from anywhere, even if they don’t have an internet connection, as lectures can be downloaded for offline viewing. Pre-recorded videos can be watched by students in advance of lectures to help increase knowledge transfer and engagement. With the right equipment, space and video platform, educators can easily create engaging course lectures and materials.
  2. It Highlights Problem Areas Early: When students are allowed to ask questions about subject matter covered in a video before and during the lecture, instructors can look for and understand common challenges with the subject matter and address it in the classroom. 
  3. Quizzing Helps Students Stay Active: A video platform allows instructors to add quizzing to determine knowledge transfer. Instructors can use those scores to look for patterns or trends on topics showing limited knowledge transfer, indicating a need to focus on those areas further in the classrooms. For students, this allows them to see how they are grasping the material and enables them to view the video as much as needed until they feel comfortable with the subject matter.
  4. Polling Opens a Feedback Loop: Educators can use polls within a video platform to query their students on how they feel about the content, learning process or lecture style.
    This opens up a 360 degree feedback loop that makes students feel empowered. It also results in a better student to teacher connection that often wanes in the traditional lecture hall, where hundreds of students can’t respond in the same private, yet timely manner.
  5. Enable Real-Time Discussion for Off-Campus Viewers: A video platform helps educators make the most of a distance-learning experience by allowing off-campus learners to engage in real time with educators during live lectures. Students can ask questions and view presentations in real-time.

Benefits Of Incorporating A Video Platform With Your LMS

In addition to improving student engagement, a video platform can help: 

Increase Accessibility: This is particularly true for students who have limited access to a physical classroom or who need to balance their studies with other commitments; 

Improve Retention: Research has shown that students are more likely to retain information when they are able to review lectures and course materials at their own pace. Video platforms allow students to pause, rewind, and revisit lectures and other course materials as needed, which can improve their understanding and retention of the material.

Enhance Collaboration: Video platforms have built-in tools for collaboration, such as the ability to share documents and have group discussions. This can encourage students to work together and help them feel more connected to their peers and professors, even when they’re not physically together.

Personalize Learning: Students can access materials, watch videos, and learn at their own pace, which can lead to higher engagement and motivation, as they’re in control of their learning. 

By providing access to course materials, facilitating collaboration, adding interactive elements that enhance engagement, and allowing for personalized learning, video platforms can help students succeed and achieve their academic goals.

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