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Live Online Proctoring

Live Human Proctoring With Your Institution’s Proctors Or Ours

Verity enables institutions to proctor student assessments in real-time to prevent cheating, unauthorized assistance, or other academic misconduct. Live proctoring includes administration tools and optional AI-based analysis for a comprehensive online proctoring solution.

YuJa Verity Live Proctoring Dashboard with active and upcoming sessions shown on screen.
Sir Arthur Lewis Community College logo.
Heartland Community College logo.
Oakland University logo.
LACCD logo.
Montgomery County Community College logo.
Roane State Community College logo.
United Negro College Fund logo.
Metropolitan Community College logo.

Verity Test Proctoring Platform

Proctoring Cloud Proctoring Capabilities ID Verification Live Proctoring Results and Reporting Lock Down Proctoring

Unlimited Live Proctoring

One Live Proctoring Platform, Unlimited Sessions

YuJa Verity offers a flat-rate pricing model, eliminating per-seat charges. Verity provides a unified, all-inclusive live testing platform with unlimited test sessions to meet your institution’s testing needs.

Live proctoring session with six participants shown on screen.
Image shows a browser with YuJa Verity open and a shield in the top left corner.

Lockdown App

Live Proctoring With Verity’s Lockdown App or Browser Extension

Verity’s Lockdown App works seamlessly with Verity Live Proctoring to ensure a secure and controlled testing experience. The application-based testing environment grants the freedom and flexibility to more deeply monitor the activity of students within a browser to prevent students from viewing other applications on their device.

Proctoring Dashboard

View Everything in Once Place in the Live Proctoring Dashboard

With Verity Live, test proctors can choose from a variety of viewing options, including the gallery, with multiple live cameras, screen view to see all proctored student’s screens, or opt to focus on a single student with a specialized full-screen view.

YuJa Verity Live Proctoring Chat box is shown with a message from the proctor.

Live Chat

Built-In Text Chat During Tests

Proctors and students can communicate with one another during live tests with Verity’s integrated chat feature. Proctors can convey critical information and students can get real time support if they encounter issues during their test.

 Image shows the human-proctored session proctor assignment page.
Image shows confirmed proctors for upcoming sessions.

More Control

With YuJa Verity, You’re in Control

With YuJa Verity, institutions have the flexibility to designate their own proctors, granting them full control over the sessions and the proctors responsible for test monitoring.

Real-Time Notifications for Flagged Restrictions

Real-Time Notifications to Live Proctors for Flagged Restrictions

During an assessment, the Events log will provide proctors with a real-time list of flagged restrictions that have occurred for each user.

Real-Time Notifications for Flagged Restrictions.

To learn more about YuJa Verity Live Proctoring, call us at 1-888-257-2278

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Five Ways Text-to-Speech Improves the College Experience
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