Lecture Capture in the Cloud: What a Cloud-Hosted Video Platform Can Do

Karen Butterfield
Karen Butterfield
Image of a cloud connecting devices with a web of interconnected lines.

YuJa Software Capture ScreenWith a cloud-powered video platform, course replays, live streams and other course materials are universally accessible to students, whether lecture capture recordings are produced within the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform or using the YuJa hardware-based capture appliances as part of your classroom technology. YuJa resources, including captured lectures, course notes, and video podcasts, are accessible to students via multiple devices, from desktop computers to laptops, tablets or their cell phone.

Features of the YuJa Cloud-Hosted Platform

  • Find Media with High-Performance Search: The YuJa Cloud offers complete search capabilities across auto-captions, indexes, and metadata across your entire media library. Find exactly what you need in your video collection with advanced search tools. 
  • Convert, Transcode and Format Virtually Anything: The YuJa Cloud automates the process of converting, transcoding, and formatting your video files into easy-to-view formats accessible on a variety of devices. There is no need for third-party codecs or additional software to adjust file sizes or file quality. 
  • Secure and Protect Your Content: YuJa’s cloud-based storage secures your videos, preventing unwanted access. Only approved individuals can see and access your video content. This limits the risk of copyright infringement or video theft.

Cloud-Hosting Enables Responsive Architecture Capable of Handling Spikes

YuJa’s cloud-based infrastructure automatically scales during peak traffic bursts to ensure a stable experience for all users.

This elastic cloud architecture also ensures that there are no practical limits on maximum current viewers, maximum active streams, maximum simultaneous accesses, or storage capacity. The architecture can easily accommodate spikes in viewership, platform access load and in transcoding load.

Availability is a Key Benefit of Cloud-Hosted Technology

Another benefit of a cloud-hosted platform is that YuJa’s resources are available to faculty and staff even when they’re away from the classroom or office. While the YuJa appliance offers more sophisticated tools for complete lecture capture and room capture, you can also capture a lecture with nothing more than the webcam and microphone on your laptop (or podium computer). Since lectures can be viewed at any time, instructors can film lectures ahead of time, allowing flexibility for instructors.

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