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Remediation Engine

Remediation Engines Can Resolve Issues On-the-Spot

Identify, prioritize, and automate accessibility fixes to your course content with YuJa’s new in class Remediation Engine’s on the spot remediation capabilities.

Our Accessibility Product is Trusted By Leading Organizations

See News and Events for more

Napa Valley College logo.
Luther College logo.
Macalester College logo.
Northern Kentucky University logo.
Point Loma University logo.
Salt Lake Community College            logo.
Rose State College logo.
Indiana Tech logo.

Remediation Engines

Remediation Engines Solve Issues Right in the LMS

Identify, prioritize, and automate accessibility fixes to your course content with YuJa’s new in class Remediation Engine’s on the spot remediation capabilities.

Document Support

Adjust Font Size Issues in Documents

Font size issues in text-based documents don’t have to be a headache. YuJa Panorama detects issues and instructors can update the font size directly from the Accessibility Report with the click of a button.






Screenshot showing a document with a font size issue.

Color Contrast

Tackle Color Contrast Issues for All Users

Swiftly resolve color contrast issues in documents and presentations to foster inclusivity for all users, ensuring your institution’s content can be viewed by all individuals. Make content legible, easy to read, and navigable with just the right color contrast ratios, and fix any that would hinder accessibility.






Before and after of Color Contrast functionality.

Alternative Text

Add Alt-Text to Images or Use AI To Generate One

Seamlessly integrate descriptive text to images in documents and other content right from your LMS. When images don’t appear or can’t be seen, users can still comprehend and engage with visual content on your institution’s website and digital platforms.






Before and after showing alternative text functionality.

LMS Integration

A Remediation Engine That’s LMS Agnostic

YuJa’s Remediation Engine is designed to work with all major learning management systems, including Canvas, Blackboard, D2L Brightspace, and Moodle, providing a familiar environment for course creators and instructors to adjust their content.

Multiple LMS logos.

HTML Content

Align HTML Content to WCAG 2.2 Standards

YuJa Panorama’s Remediation Engines detect and remediate accessibility issues in HTML content, such as headings with too many characters, content that’s over 3,000 words, empty links, unformatted lists, missing table headers, and more.

An HTML document icon with accessibility issues listed out.
River Parishes campus building.
River Parishes logo.

River Parishes Community College

YuJa Panorama provides a centralized location with reporting for all content, which has been helpful for instructors. “I don’t want to say it’s magic, but it really does help that our faculty can look in one location to see what their course looks like, issues, and not only that, how to remedy issues. Then, you can remedy most of those issues in the same place,” McCrary said.

Read the case study

To learn more about the YuJa Panorama LMS Accessibility Platform, call us at 1-888-257-2278

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YuJa SmartSpeaker AI Platform Update: v25.1.0 Release

YuJa SmartSpeaker AI Platform Update: v25.1.0 Release
Hello, my friends, and welcome to another edition of “Hey, We Have Some Exciting New Features Hitting One of Our Platforms and I’d Like to Share Them With You All.” Still working on the title....

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