Zoom Video Conference Connector
Integrate Zoom With YuJa
Zoom is a powerful video conferencing tool. A simple, user-friendly interface makes it a go-to solution for institutions who want to bring together both remote and in-person instruction.
Advantages of Storing Zoom Recordings in the YuJa Video Platform
Not only do YuJa Enterprise Video Platform and Zoom work well in tandem, but the Video Platform is an affordable, more accessible and comprehensive storage solution for Zoom recordings.
LTI Pro Integration with YuJa’s Video Platform
With the ability to Import Zoom LTI Pro meetings to Media Channel, administrators enable automatic uploading of instructor’s recordings in their course and make it visible for students. The Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) Pro app integrates Zoom Video Conferencing into learning management systems (LMS) that support the LTI 1.1, LTI 1.3, and Vantage standard, like the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform.
Flexible Scheduling
Schedule and Start Meetings
Instructors can use the LTI Pro app to schedule and start Zoom meetings to support distance learning, office hours, study groups and lecture capture, and provide access to cloud recordings.
Austin Peay State University
Widely recognized as one of the fastest growing universities within the state of Tennessee, Austin Peay State University’s adoption of the Video Platform will provide students and faculty with campus-wide media streaming capabilities and an accessible closed-captioning solution.
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