How to Improve Corporate Learning with a Video Platform

In addition to having a profound effect on learning for educational institutions, video-based learning has made it possible for corporations to roll out business-critical training and knowledge-sharing sessions, all while saving a significant amount of money when compared to the in-person, costly training sessions of the past.

According to research by Training Industry Magazine, organizations spent an average of $1,286 per employee on training and development initiatives in 2019. Just imagine if you could eliminate those costs altogether but also enable an interactive, video-based learning program.

The Benefits of a Corporate Video Platform

According to research by Training Industry Magazine, organizations spent an average of $1,286 per employee on training and development initiatives in 2019.

Instead of personnel gathering in a central location where everyone must take time away from their day-to-day work, trainings can be shared via a corporate video platform. ILT (Instructor Led Trainings) can be held as a live session or viewed on demand, making it more convenient not only for the trainee but for those running the show.

Trainees can also be held more accountable through the use of a video platform. Trainers can view who has watched a video-based course and require a quiz to be taken to ensure that knowledge transfer takes place.

Companies can save thousands of dollars a year by switching to live or on-demand video for training. Employees won’t need to take time off of work to travel to training nor will the company incur travel costs. In addition, knowledge transfer often improves when the video is used as employees can learn how they want, and without the distraction of colleagues in the room.

Video truly is the new norm for rolling out corporate learning programs. Below, we cover how video can be used to enhance corporate learning.

Use On-demand Video Streaming to Reach Your Entire Company

Need to hold a company-wide meeting? Perhaps you want to share your quarterly or annual financial results with your employees. Either way, on-demand video streaming that is accessible via a hyperlink is a great method for reaching the masses. As a result, your remote employees no longer feel left out in hearing about the latest company news or announcements.  Consequently, you also save thousands of dollars in travel and employee time by allowing your staff to access the meeting from anywhere.

Use Blended Learning Models to Support Instructor-Led Training

Many times, nothing can replace the interactivity of live, in-person training, or perhaps your content is important enough to require ILT. But, after that—perhaps you need to push out additional content throughout the year to support that topic. Rather than hold another ILT, you could host a live webcast or release on-demand trainings. Simply follow it all up with built-in quizzes that accompany your video to confirm knowledge transfer.

Roll out On-Demand Training Videos

You can push out on-demand video by using lecture capture and a video platform to share your content. By hosting on-demand training for consumption anytime, you make it possible for students to learn when it’s convenient for them instead of fitting a specific day and time into their schedule. Additionally, if a learner is finding the topic difficult, employees can watch the videos as many times as needed. Corporate trainers can validate who has watched which sessions and view analytics down to the user level.

Use Quizzing to Verify Knowledge Transfer

Compared to paper quizzes or none at all, digital-based quizzes ensure that learners are engaging with your content. It also helps verify that knowledge transfer is taking place. Gone are the days of reviewing hundreds of paper quizzes. Now, corporate trainers can review the results within their video platform and analyze results within minutes.

Use Surveys to Improve Trainings

In the past, ILTs usually involved a post-session survey to gather the thoughts of attendees. Instead of reviewing dozens or hundreds of paper surveys to get feedback, companies can include an in-video questionnaire to follow up on their on-demand video. This makes it easier to analyze the results and improve future training with that feedback.

Centralized Content Makes it Easier to Search Inside Video

Let’s assume that you’re an enterprise company that releases hundreds of  videos each year. Rather than house videos within a file folder structure that eventually becomes too cumbersome to use, it’s best to house your videos within a Video Content Management System that offers text-based search. Search inside video makes it easy for learners to find the videos they need to watch or rewatch. By making content searchable by topic or name, employees can find notes, comments or video within minutes.

Launching Video-based Corporate Learning

What do you need to launch video-based corporate learning?  You’ll need several capabilities in your video platform that include:

  • Screen and video recording software
  • Video editing
  • Quizzing
  • Video platform (where you host all your videos)

By switching to or including video-based learning into your corporate training program, you have made it easier for learners to engage with content and you may save your company hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.

If you’d like to learn how YuJa’s corporate video platform can help you launch a training program at your company, reach out to us here.

Incorporating the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform Into Your Institution’s Orientation Program

Traditionally, orientation is held on campus so students can get an idea of where key facilities and classrooms are, as well as meet instructors and peers. Today, students may not be able to attend orientation for a variety of reasons, from their schedule to physical location, or for other reasons. 

YuJa’s Enterprise Video Platform Can Facilitate Orientation Programs

“Creating an online orientation can effectively serve the needs of students who live off campus and can’t travel, online students, and for parents who can’t be present at orientation day activities.”

For traditional students living on campus, there are few substitutes for the chance to see their dorm and try out the dining hall for the very first time; however, creating an online orientation can effectively serve the needs of students who live off campus and can’t travel, online students, and for parents who can’t be present at orientation day activities.

Most orientation programs include:

  • A campus tour, with tours of residence halls and other facilities students might visit.
  • Introductory speeches and question and answer sessions.
  • Department-specific meet and greets to introduce students to staff and faculty in different departments.
  • The opportunity to meet with various offices, including admissions, financial aid, and residence life.
  • Informational sessions on campus life, study abroad, work-study jobs, and other topics.
  • Opportunities for students to meet one another and begin making friends.

OrientationEach of these elements can be hosted or enhanced online with the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform. 

  • Administrators can opt to share orientation sessions via direct link or embed code to allow anyone to see them, or on EnterpriseTube for students. 
  • YuJa’s Content Management System (CMS) allows the organization and storage of media content in one location. Administrators, department chairs, and instructors can upload videos, photos, and 360-degree views to help students tour campus. 
  • Lecture capture offers easy to use tools to record and publish speeches no matter what device or where your audience is viewing. The technology also simplifies Q&A forums with live streaming, and allows those who couldn’t attend the opportunity to review later at their own pace.

YuJa’s Video Platform is a Scalable Corporate Video CMS Solution

Today, use cases involving video have become commonplace,  from corporate live streaming to the distribution of online training videos, product demos, and presentations. One question remains: where should organizations store all of their video content?


The platform an organization uses to manage and store video can play a key role in how businesses can leverage videos both now and in the future. Many organizations use either a public video hosting site such as YouTube, or a Learning Management System (LMS) / Content Management System (CMS).  However, many storage solutions are meant to be temporary and are woefully inadequate for an organization to scale. Other issues could include search difficulties, the ability to share, security, and accessibility. 

Executives sitting around a modern boardroom table.Often referred to as “Corporate YouTube,” a Video Content Management System (VCMS) is a video library unique to your organization. An all-in-one enterprise video platform enables video recording, editing, digital asset management, live streaming, and other capabilities.

With a corporate CMS, employees can record and upload videos, and utilize advanced search-inside-video capabilities to search and view any piece of content stored within the platform. Further, employees can use their video platform to improve communication, encourage social learning, and share knowledge across these libraries amongst the organization. While a corporate CMS is typically set up to grant access to employees within an organization, it can also serve as a repository to securely store sensitive assets such as training videos, reports and forecasts, and additional information disseminated among executives.


“YuJa enables smart organizations to leverage video to promote enhanced employee training, create engaging e-learning content, and promote efficient knowledge sharing. “

Leading organizations choose the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform as an easy-to-use, secure video platform to manage video and digital assets, live stream events, create employee-generated content, archive video conferences, and more.

The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform is an all-in-one platform to record professional presentations and conferences, user demonstrations, and live events. YuJa enables smart organizations to leverage video to promote enhanced employee training, create engaging e-learning content, and promote efficient knowledge sharing. 

Here are some use-cases that a corporate video platform can enable for your organization.


A corporate video platform helps you save time and reduce training costs with both live and on-demand video presentations. The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform is an easy-to-use, scalable solution for recording training content, leading onboarding sessions, and educating field staff on the latest technology and industry news. In fact, recent findings show that businesses with a standardized onboarding process experience 62% greater new hire productivity, along with 50% greater new hire retention. The existence of an established onboarding experience is vital to ensure retention – and a Corporate Video Platform can help organizations do so in a cost-effective and efficient way.

Video Editor with controls showing.With a Corporate Video Platform, organizations can create video content to ensure that new employees undergo an engaging onboarding experience:

  • Welcome Videos
  • Training Videos
  • Department Overviews

YuJa’s Video Platform even offers fully integrated video editing capabilities that allow content creators to publish professional and polished media content without the use of third-party applications. Adding and editing captions is easy and helps organizations make their content accessible to all employees.


With a corporate video platform, employees can live-stream corporate events with fully integrated webcasting tools using both software or appliance-based hardware. Employees can stay up to date on the latest company news and announcements, no matter where they’re working. Further, a corporate video platform also provides users with access to high-quality, secure video streaming across all devices. Once an event ends, on-demand recording enables viewers to watch the video at any time.


Assuming you are an organization that shares hundreds of on-demand content yearly, housing content within a traditional file structure can become a cumbersome process that can lead employees searching through months of content for a single file. By housing your digital content within a Corporate Video Platform that provides text-based search, stored content can be searchable by employees based on its topic and name, notes, comments, or video within minutes. Your media content can also be published to Corporate Media Channels which are easily accessible by staff on any device.

How a Video CMS Helps Meet Growing Online Learning Needs

Why Do You Need a Video CMS?

Video CMS The simple answer is that traditional Content Management Systems and Learning Management Systems aren’t designed to manage video files.

  • Limited File Sizes: CMSs typically limit file sizes and may not even allow the upload of large video files. 
  • Compatibility Issues: A traditional CMS may not support all video file types, meaning videos would have to be converted.
  • Decreased Network Strength: Because videos are large, if you don’t have a Video CMS, they can quickly impair your network operations. making your network slow and unreliable.
  • Security Issues Abound: Public platforms pose security risks. A good Video CMS will enable secured viewing and offer enhanced security features like encrypted connections to prevent unauthorized access to your videos. 

A video content management system not only addresses all of these issues, but can integrate with your existing enterprise systems, including your LMS, CMS, SSO (single sign-on), intranet and website.

The Benefits of a Video Content Management System

A video CMS offers a number of benefits for companies, enterprises and educational institutions of all sizes. 

Searchable, Organized Video Content Increases Accessibility: A Video CMS doesn’t just store video content, but also makes it accessible and searchable. With a video CMS like the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform, users can search not just titles or descriptions, but the video content by any word that appears in the video. This helps speed up looking for specific content, maximizing the functionality of your investment in video.

Support for HD Video Enhances Viewing Experience: HD video offers a better viewing experience for users, but comes with much larger file sizes. Managing these file sizes, particularly for longer videos, requires tools designed for just that purpose. A Video CMS is designed for large video storage; most standard content management systems, in contrast, have been designed for files created in Word or Excel.

Multiple devices with YuJa's Video Platform on the screen.A Video CMS Provides High-quality, Optimized Playback on Any Device: Users today may watch videos on a computer, tablet, or smartphone, and are just as likely to be catching up on work or school-related video content in a library, coffee shop, or on a commuter train as they are to be catching up at home. Offering optimal playback in a variety of situations and on different screen sizes is essential in today’s world. 

Increased Security and Customization of Access Are Essential: A Video CMS provides the ability to secure your internal content and protect copyrights and sensitive information from the public. With a Video CMS, content creators can choose who can view a video, as well as enable others to edit or add content. Customized levels of access to content facilitate increased security and enable different levels of access to groups like students and employees, owners or instructors, and administrators.

A Video CMS Allows Effective Content Sharing: In order to maximize the effectiveness and utility of video content, it needs to be accessible. A video CMS allows creators and viewers to share content on a variety of levels. Content may be made public for marketing or informational purposes. It can be isolated to the internal network of registered users in an Internal Library, or content can be open to only a select group of individuals. This makes it simple to deliver video content to those who need it, while protecting content outside of that group. 

The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform also integrates a highly-scalable video transcoding pipeline that optimizes media for efficient distribution. This includes quick video load times, minimal buffering, and adaptive bitrate streaming on any device.

Simplify Lecture Capture Workflows with Automation

While some instructors happily embrace new technology even with the extra steps, others may be more reluctant to add to their responsibilities. Fortunately, there is an easy, accessible solution that brings lecture capture to every classroom 一 automation.

What Is Automated Lecture Capture?

Automated lecture capture is exactly what it sounds like;  lecture capture technology starts and stops on a schedule. Lectures are live streamed, published to the course, or saved on a day-to-day basis without any effort from the instructor aside from the initial setup. You might think of automated lecture capture a bit like setting up a calendar event. Once the parameters have been set, no one is required to do anything. Management and maintenance of lecture capture is simplified, and there is no need for regular instructor involvement in the process.

How Does It Work?

YuJa’s software is able to automate lecture capture in three ways: using the Auto-Scheduling Sub Panel, APIs, and Room Scheduling integration. 

  • Auto-Schedule Sub-Panel: YuJa’s Device Scheduler automates the recording process using Software Capture applications within the Admin Panel. Instructors or IT teams can create a one-time or recurring schedule for Lecture Capture in a few simple steps.  
  • APIs: An Application Programming Interface is essentially an intermediary between applications that allows them to work together. YuJa provides a series of RESTful APIs (representational state transfer) to provide seamless scheduling and management of video capture content.
  • Room Scheduling Integration: YuJa has partnerships with Ad Astra and Scientia, which allows institutions to pull room schedules and auto-schedule, making YuJa’s Lecture Capture even more valuable. 

The Benefits of Auto-scheduling for Instructors

Auto-scheduling offers a number of benefits for instructors. With automation, instructors can: 

  • Control recordings using any web browser
  • Capture and live stream 
  • Adjust schedules
  • Publish seamlessly to their LMS 

When lecture captures are automated, there is no need to take time at the beginning of the class session to start recordings, or to take attention away from students at the end of the class session to stop and save or publish a recording.

For Tech-Savvy Instructors: Instructors who enjoy new technology can still use on-demand lecture capture for impromptu or scheduled review sessions, study groups, or even mobile captures; however, auto-scheduling eliminates any risk of human error.

For Less Tech-Savvy Instructors: For instructors less comfortable with new technology, auto-scheduling provides a hands-off approach to lecture capture. Their lectures are captured without any effort or involvement from them.

All instructors benefit from knowing that their students have access to high-quality lecture captures for review and reference. This can limit the need for in-class review, and provide a useful resource that instructors can refer to on an ongoing basis.

The Benefits of Auto-scheduling for Institutions

While students and instructors can benefit from automation on a day-to-day basis, the benefits of auto-scheduling technology are even more significant for institutions. 

  • Students have expressed a strong interest in lecture capture technology, and many even have an expectation of the availability of lecture capture. For institutions, being able to provide reliable and widespread lecture capture is an important marketing opportunity to attract and retain a quality student body.
  • Automated lecture capture provides consistency. There is no need to expend additional effort and expense to train instructors or to work to encourage instructor compliance.
  • Automation requires little time for set-up, and can be completed before the semester begins. Smart scheduling technology even allows for vacation periods. 

Planning and Preparing a Higher Education Flipped Course

Planning a Flipped Class with YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

For instructors, planning and preparation for a flipped class may initially take more time than planning for a traditional class. With tools like Lecture Capture and a Video Content Management System (CMS), instructors can easily produce lectures and make them accessible to students across a spectrum of devices. Additionally, video lectures and materials created for the course can be reused the following semester and can even be updated for years to come. 

To plan for a flipped class: 

  • Decide what content to include in the course. Make a list of individual topics for the course, then determine which resources are needed to support course topics and classroom sessions. Consider chunking your material for increased engagement.
  • Assemble resources each class period. This might include lecture capture content, as well as websites, online video content, or chapters from a textbook. 
  • Organize content for the course in a logical and accessible way. Students should have access to content before the associated class period. Make sure that you plan ahead to ensure students can quickly search and find stored lecture material in your video library when it’s time to study for exams.

Using Class Time in a Flipped Classroom Model

Since flipped classroom structures reduce or eliminate the traditional classroom lecture or presentation, class time is available for other purposes. Classroom time, whether in person or remote, can be used to: 

  • Facilitate discussion and collaboration.
  • Respond to student questions and encourage engagement. 
  • Work on assignments, like essays and projects.
  • Engage in problem-solving or role-play activities.
  • Incorporate hands-on learning activities. 

Preparing Students for a Flipped Classroom

In 2021, many students have been part of a flipped classroom at some point. Still, instructors can help set the tone for a flipped classroom to support student success with clear and defined expectations. 

Instructors may find it helpful to spend the first class period explaining how the class will function, and how flipped classrooms benefit student learning. During the first class, students should see what class materials look like, understand that the lecture captures and other material should be viewed before the class session, and have an idea of what classroom activities to expect.

How Do Students Benefit From a Flipped Classroom? 

Studies have shown that students benefit from this structure through increased interaction, improved test scores and more effective student engagement. Other students benefits include: 

  • The ability to watch lectures when it’s convenient
  • Flexibility for students to learn at their own pace
  • More opportunities for 1:1 time with instructors

With the right tools, instructors and students alike can find success in a flipped classroom. 

Creating an Accessible Higher-Ed Video Library that Exceeds Section 508 Requirements

With regard to video content, accessibility issues are predominantly focused on support for those with visual and auditory impairments. Captioning and description technologies can make video learning more available for students with visual or hearing impairments.

YuJa Video Platform Facilitates Captioning for Accessibility

creating-an-accessible-higher-ed-video-library-that-exceeds-section-508-requirementsFor learners who are deaf or hard of hearing, closed captioning technology makes video learning more accessible. In addition, closed captioning may be helpful for students with auditory processing disorders and English language learners. There are several options available for closed captioning within YuJa’s Video Platform.

Auto-Captioning: This technology provides a computer-generated caption file. Auto-captioning is highly effective, but is less likely to accurately capture accurate or technical terminology. Auto-caption files can be downloaded and edited for accuracy, which is an effective way to maximize caption accuracy while limiting costs.

Human captioning: This type of service offers quality captioning to support students with disabilities. It’s performed by humans, which limits errors, but it is a costlier and more time consuming option. The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform integrates with third-party human captioning services for both automated and manual workflows, with ADA-compliant captioning solutions.

To enhance accuracy of captioning, it’s important to have quality recordings:

  • When recording video content, choose a good-quality USB microphone. 
  • Test your microphone and choose the best distance and volume for recording. 
  • Speak clearly and pace your speech appropriately. Pause for punctuation. This can help improve the quality and accuracy of captioning, especially if you’re relying upon auto-captioning.

Audio Descriptions Enhance Accessibility

Audio descriptions provide additional information for students who cannot clearly see on-screen content. These are not designed to fill in or explain content discussed out loud in the standard audio track, but rather to provide an additional description to support content referred to but not explained in the standard audio track.

Description technology enables the addition of a second audio track to video content. This second audio track provides the ability to incorporate audio descriptions of on-screen content. Users can toggle between different tracks. Instructors or course creators also can:

  • Create a short description track to provide a description of visual content, and tracks can be timed to fit in where needed in the video.
  • Provide an alternate track incorporating both the standard audio content and the necessary descriptions using the same audio description upload options.

Screen Readers and Other Accessibility Options

Modern technology has maximized accessibility of online resources for students with disabilities. Many students rely upon additional technology to facilitate their use of online resources, including screen readers. Screen readers read screen content to students with visual impairments, or translate text into Braille. The ability to highlight text for use with a screen reader is helpful for students relying upon readers.

For students with physical disabilities, the ability to use keyboard shortcuts can be a helpful way to navigate online content. Facilitating keyboard shortcuts through the use of an HTML5 media player is an effective way to increase accessibility.

YuJa is constantly working to increase accessibility not just to meet compliance requirements, but to provide the best possible learning experience for students. 

The Rising Usage of the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform at the University of Calgary

This was the case for D’Arcy Norman in the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, at the University of Calgary. Norman and his team initially launched the YuJa Video Content Management platform in Summer 2019 integrating with their existing D2L Learning Management System (LMS). Norman recalls that, users who use the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform, they use it quite a lot.

YuJa Bandwidth Statistics for COVID

Image Source: COVID Online Pivot Learning Technologies Stats

“Our video content management platform launched in Summer 2019. It was a soft launch, integrated with D2L but not mandated. People who use it use it a lot.” Norman said.

Since the start of the COVID-19 switch back in mid-march, the bandwidth spike was enormous.

No matter the situation, the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform provides options for unlimited storage and bandwidth. Our storage infrastructure can provide fully elastic and virtually limitless storage capabilities to grow with your organization’s media repository.

Read the original article here.

Previous article: University of North Dakota Improves the Campus Experience: A User Friendly Software Lecture Capture Solution

Five Ways in Which a Corporate Video Platform Can Promote Employee Engagement

Five Ways in Which a Corporate Video Platform Can Promote Employee Engagement

Two women collaborating

1. Video Editing Capabilities to Create Engaging Onboarding Material

Findings indicate that enterprises with a standardized onboarding process experience 62% greater new hire productivity, along with 50% greater new hire retention. The existence of an established onboarding experience is vital to ensure retention – and a Corporate Video Platform can help organizations do so in a fashion that is cost-effective and efficient.

With a Corporate Video Platform, you can create video content to ensure that your new employees undergo an engaging onboarding experience:

  • Welcome Videos:
  • Training Videos
  • Department Overviews

The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform also offers fully integrated video editing capabilities that allow content creators to create professional and polished media content without the use of third-party applications.

Regardless of what videos your team decides to record, a Corporate Video Platform can ensure that new hires are provided the necessary content to ensure a smooth transition to your team.

2. A Media Management System Promoting Knowledge Sharing

Within an individual organization, information can be held by a handful of individuals. This can result in significant lags or delays during the day if it is not efficiently disseminated. Without proper knowledge sharing tools, this can lead to wasted time and productivity, as well as employee frustration. A Corporate Video Platform can provide your staff with the tools they need to effectively share information.

Workers in an office work space

A Corporate Media Management System accessible throughout your organization can facilitate knowledge sharing, as well as provide the tools needed to upload files, record presentations, share videos, and save video conferences. Information should be organized in logical ways, with powerful search tools that enable users to find what they need and when they need it. This can help empower your staff with the information that they need to do their jobs to the best of their ability.

3. Engagement with On-Demand Video Streaming

Whether you need to hold a team meeting or share company-wide financial results, on-demand video streaming accessible using hyperlinks are a great way to disseminate content across a large audience. In fact, according to Forrester Research, employees are 75% more likely to watch a video than read documents, emails, or web articles. A Corporate Video Platform keeps your employees up-to-date on the latest company news and announcements and with the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform, your organization has access to high-quality, secure video streaming across all device platforms.

YuJa’s optimized HD video pipeline and streaming also utilize bitrate technology to ensure the smoothest viewing experience. Further, in a remote working environment, allowing your staff to access meetings from anywhere can help organizations ultimately reduce travel and employee time. Whether you are looking to supplement online classes or facilitate employee onboarding, a Corporate Video Platform is an ideal tool suited for any industry.

In-video quiz feature

4. In-Video Quizzing Capabilities for Interactive Assessments 

With a Corporate Video Platform, digital-based quizzes help ensure that employees are engaging with all of your training and work-related content. In-Video quizzing capabilities also facilitate knowledge transfer and are much more efficient compared to quizzes conducted on paper. Your corporate trainers can analyze quiz results within minutes and receive actionable data from learners that provide the opportunity to create differentiated instruction.

5. Search-Inside-Video Capabilities

Assuming you are an organization that shares hundreds of on-demand content yearly, housing content within a traditional file structure can become a cumbersome process that can lead employees searching through months’ of content for a single file. By housing your digital content within a Corporate Video Platform that provides text-based search, stored content can be searchable by employees based on its topic and name, notes, comments, or video within minutes. Your media content can also be published to Corporate Media Channels which are easily accessible by staff on any device.

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Five Ways YuJa Can Help Students And Teachers Adapt To An Online Learning Environment

As current events continue to unfold, it remains uncertain whether students and teachers will return to their traditional classroom settings in the near future. For now, until the rest of 2020, distance education remains the primary option.

Here Are 5 Ways YuJa Can Support an Online Learning Environment

YuJa Video Conference between man and woman

1. Scalable Virtual Classrooms / Interactive Video Conferencing

With the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform, Instructors can host virtual office hours with one-on-one student engagement or in a large group setting. Instructors can also choose how to split the participants of a meeting into separate sessions automatically or manually at any time. Our cloud-based architecture enables us to instantly scale from small group collaborations to large-scale lectures and webinars. These features not only promote an active learning environment, but provide students with a convenient tool to remotely participate in group projects and after-hour meetings.

2. Fully Integrated Video Editor

With a switch to a remote learning environment, teachers will need to record various lessons and lectures for their online courses. Likewise, students will need to record video assignments and recordings to submit, as well. The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform offers built-in editing capabilities for video content allow for users to revisit saved content to edit recordings, revise slide contents, improve captioning without the need for third-party applications. Video editing allows Content Creators to create professional and polished media content, free from extraneous material or third party applications. The Video Editor is non-destructive, and your edited video is saved as a new file, without damage to the original media.

In-Video Quizz

3. In-Video Quizzing

In a remote setting, knowledge checks within an online learning environment can help keep students engaged in learning content and reinforce various topics that were presented. This feature prevents students from skimming past lessons and helps retain their focus on their course material. With YuJa, interactive assessment capabilities are offered within the video experience including the ability to create video quizzes, insert related documents, and post interactive comments.

By combining video quizzes with instructive in-video prompts and time-based supplementation information, students can stay focused and engaged while following along a lesson at home. Quizzes can also contain a various question types that include ungraded group polls, multiple-choice, true-false questions, short-answer, reflective-pause, and multiple-select questions. 

4. Auto-Captioning Capabilities

While providing captions remains a straight-forward undertaking, it is also important to ensure consistent captioning whilst remaining compliant to current regulations. With the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform, users are given multiple options to generate video captions easily – whether you are captioning one video or an entire collection of videos. Auto-captioning capabilities are automatically available for newly created YuJa video content in multiple languages. As students continue to learn from home, the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform’s auto-captioning capabilities provide accurate captions, translations, and transcripts for users to maximize content engagement and accessibility.

5. A Video Content Management System (CMS)

With many industry leading platforms, your institution has a single place to store and share videos. The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform provides users ease-of-use when accessing specific content with a public EnterpriseTube. Individual Course Channels, Campus Channels, and Public Channels, help facilitate content search. Further, Individual User Collections also facilitates the search process to upload and share content within a secure, centralized video library. A centralized video library provides users and faculty with many new tools and options to disseminate information remotely.

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